Table des matières

Developing a Powershell plugin

Important notes


Writing a Powershell plugin

This tutorial is a complement to the following article (more general on writing Esia plugins): How to create a plugin (Only for ESIA Infinity)

An Esia daemon takes care of receiving and sending all powershell connection requests. CURL requests can be sent to it. But only locally (it listens on only).

key        : <shared password>  # Between daemon and plugins. Not same for all Esia. Need the field 'key' on next inifile : /etc/esia/rcm.ini
action    : run
proto     : ps1 
hostaddr : <host_addr>
user : <host_user>
authentication : <host_userpass> 
command : <One or server powershell command to execute>

Examples of Powershell commands to run :

Get-Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time


$hash = @{};
$hash.task=Get-ScheduledTask | select -Property $selectTask;
$ | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo | select -Property $selectInfo;
$hash | ConvertTo-Json

The advantage of this last command is that you can execute a set of commands and then retrieve a json. It is much faster/more efficient/less resource-intensive to send a single POST request than several. In addition to executing the commands received, Windows takes a long time to process the request received or generate the response to be sent back.

Below is an example of an Esia plugin script running Powershell :

$DEFAULT_TYPE = 'ps1';
$options = getopt($SHORT_OPTS, $LONG_OPTS);
$conf = parse_ini_file('python.ini',true);
$o_key = $conf['LISTEN']['key'];
if( isParam($options,'h','help') )
$o_method = $DEFAULT_METHOD;
$o_type = $DEFAULT_TYPE;
$o_debug = isParam($options,'D','debug');
$o_authfile_path = getParam($options,'A','authfile');
if( isset($o_authfile_path) )
    if( !file_exists($o_authfile_path) )
        exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Unable to found -A, --authfile $o_authfile_path");
    $auth_file_data = file_get_contents($o_authfile_path);
    if( empty($auth_file_data))
        exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Unable to open -A, --authfile $o_authfile_path");
    $auth_file_data = json_decode($auth_file_data,TRUE);
    if( !is_array($auth_file_data))
        exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Unable to parse -A, --authfile $o_authfile_path");
$o_host = getParam($options,'H','host',@$auth_file_data['host']);
$o_user = getParam($options,'U','user',@$auth_file_data['user']);
$o_pass = getParam($options,'P','password',@$auth_file_data['password']);
if( empty($o_host) )
    exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Missing required option -H, --host or authfile parameter host");
if( empty($o_user) )
    exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Missing required option -U, --user or authfile parameter user");
if( empty($o_pass) )
    exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Missing required option -P, --password or authfile paramter password");
$o_url = getParam($options,'u','url',$DEFAULT_SRV_URL);
$o_action = getParam($options,'a','action');
if( empty($o_url) )
    exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Missing required option -u, --url");
if( empty($o_action) )
    exit_state('UNKNOWN',"Missing required option -a, --action");
if( $o_debug )
    $params['debug'] = true;
    echo "DEBUG :\n";
    echo "URL : $o_method:$o_url\n";
    echo "END\n";
$params['key'] = $o_key;
$params['action'] = $o_action;
$params['proto'] = $o_type;
$params['hostaddr'] = $o_host;
$params['user'] = $o_user;
$params['authentication'] = $o_pass;
$params['command'] = 'Get-Service';
//$params['command'] = 'Get-EventLogs -LogName System -Newest 10| Select-Object -Property Message';
//$params['command'] = 'Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name';
//$params['command'] = 'Get-Process';
//$params['command'] = "Get-Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time'";
$client = new HttpClient($o_url);
$data = $client->post('',$params);
$code = $client->getHttpCode();
echo "This plugin return OK (0).";
function isParam($options,$name1,$name2)
    return isset($options[$name1]) || isset($options[$name2]);
function getParam($options,$name1,$name2,$default=null){
        if( isset( $options[$name1] ) ) return $options[$name1];
        if( isset( $options[$name2] ) ) return $options[$name2];
        return $default;
function exit_state($state,$msg=null,$usage=false){
        if( is_string($state) ) $ret=$INT_STATUS[strtoupper($state)];
        else $state=$STR_STATUS[$ret];
        if( $msg != null )
          echo "$state : $msg\n";
        if( $usage ) print_usage(true);
function print_help()
        echo "
usage : check_pwsh.php -H <host> -U <user> -P <password -T <type> -w <treshold> -c <treshold> [OPTIONS]
        check_pwsh.php -H <host> [-U <user>] -A <authfile> -T <type> -w <treshold> -c <treshold> [OPTIONS]
        This function print_help() isn't important but can help users to understand plugin.
	--h, --help                          print this help
	--D, --debug                         Use to enable debug mode
	--u, --uri=<url>                     Powershell daemon url ( by default)
	--H, --host=<host>                   Host IP ou FQDN
	--U, --user=<login>                  Login or username
	--P, --password=<password/pathfile>  password or path for pubkey, sharedkey or special authentication options
	--A, --authfile=<filepath>           authentication file filepath form set default user, password parameters
	--w, --warning=<treshold>            warning treshold
	--c, --critical=<treshold>           critical treshold