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Enabling SNMP on Cisco Catalyst 2950 series switches

Connect to the switch via the « CONSOLE » Log on as a user with level 15 privileges (EXEC).

If the console header looks like :


You are not in EXEC privilege mode. Type the command enable.

Header Command Description
Switch> enable Enter EXEC privilege mode (If the user does not have EXEC rights, a password may be required).

The console header becomes :


You are now in EXEC privilege mode.

Making ifindexes persistent

By default Cisco automatically re-indexes on each reboot at the risk of losing monitoring data. You absolutely must add this command:

configure terminal
snmp-server ifindex persist
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# snmp-server ifindex persist

Adding an SNMP community (SNMP v1/v2c)

From the console in EXEC privilege mode. Type the following commands:

Header Command Example Description
Switch# configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Switch(config)# snmp-server community $name $access snmp-server community esia ro Create an SNMP community.
$name = community name
$access = ro (read-only), rw (read-write)
end Return to EXEC privilege mode.
Switch# show running-config Check configuration.
copy running-config startup-config Save the current configuration in the configuration file (if this step is skipped, the configuration will be lost when the switch is rebooted).

That's it, SNMP is now configured for versions v1 and v2c.

If you want to configure SNMP v3

It is not necessary to use SNMP v3 with ESIA. However, if you do want to enable it, you should know that in ESIA you can only configure your nodes for SNMP v3 by adding them manually (See Adding nodes manually). Via a network scan, you can only configure in v1 or v2c.

From the console in EXEC privilege mode. Type the following commands:

Header Command Example Description
Switch# configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Switch(config)# snmp-server group $name $version $security snmp-server group esia v3 auth Create an SNMP group.
$name = group name
version = v1, v2c, v3
$security = noauth (no security), auth (authentication by user and password), priv (encrypted communication. Only available if cryptographic software is installed.)
snmp-server user $name $group $version auth $authType $authPWD priv $privType $privPWD snmp-server user tom esia v3 auth md5 monsupermotdepasse Create an SNMP user.
$name = user name
$group = the group associated with the user
$version = v1, v2c, v3
$authType = md5, sha (If auth is enabled for the group)
$authPWD = password for authentication
$privType = des, 3des, aes 128, aes 192, aes 256 (If priv is enabled for the group)
$privPWD = password for encryption
end Return to EXEC privilege mode.
Switch# show running-config Check configuration.
copy running-config startup-config Save the current configuration in the configuration file (if this step is skipped, the configuration will be lost when the switch is rebooted).

That's it, SNMP is now configured for version v3.

For more information on configuring SNMP on Cisco Switches : See Configuring SNMP.

See the Cisco Switches configuration manual : Configuration manual.

en/snmp/snmp_cisco_catalyst2950.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/09 18:09 by