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Once you have téléchargé the archive:

  • unzip “evtsys.exe” into c:\windows\system32

  • in the CLI, enter the system32 directory

    cd windows/system32
  • install evtsys using the following command :

    evtsys -i -h x.x.x.x -f local0 -t server1 -l 0
    • -ifor installation
    • -hhost
    • -fsends messages in the local0 category, for example
    • -lverbosity level, specify 2 to return only errors

Start the service

 net start evtsys 


Usage: evtsys -i|-u|-d [-h host[;host2;...]] [-f facility] [-p port]

[-t tag] [-s minutes] [-q bool] [-l level] [-n] [-a]
-i Install service
-u Uninstall service
-d Debug: run as console program
-a Use our IP address (or fqdn) in the syslog message
-h host Name of log host(s), separated by a ';' -f facility
-f facility Facility level of syslog message
-l level Minimum level to send to syslog.\n", stderr);
0=All/Verbose, 1=Critical, 2=Error, 3=Warning, 4=Info
-n (**Win9x/Server 2003 Only**) Include only those events specified
in the config file.
-t tag Include tag as program field in syslog message
-p port Port number of syslogd
-q bool Query the Dhcp server to obtain the syslog/port to log to
(0/1 = disable/enable)
-s minutes Optional interval between status messages. 0 = Disabled
Default port: 514
Default facility: daemon
Default status interval: 0
Host (-h) required if installing
en/syslog/syslog_evtsys.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/09 18:07 by