Table des matières

Node management

Add a node

Scanning a network

Start a scan

In the left-hand side menu, click on the scan module « Importation ».

You can start your first scan from this page.

Scan type :

  • ICMP for scanning via ping
  • MAC-ICMP for scanning mac addresses via ping
  • SNMP

Scan source If you need to scan from the same server, leave this ( If you need to scan from a different Unity, select the appropriate one.

First IP Enter the first IP address of the range you wish to scan.

Last IP Enter the last ip address of the range you want to scan.

SNMP community Community: Enter the community previously configured on your nodes. The default community is « public ».

When the scan of your network is complete, you will be taken to the following page:

Here you can see all the scans that have been performed. To access the results of a scan, simply click on the magnifying glass in the last column.

Adding nodes following a scan

The result of a scan is shown below:

The list that appears after the scan includes all the nodes detected by ESIA Unity on your network.

The programme will bring up all the information it is possible to collect on each piece of equipment (to maximise the amount of information retrieved, please activate SNMP on each machine). To add a node, tick the desired nodes and fill in the parameters (if they are not already filled in by ESIA).

  • Give it a name
  • Link it to a group
  • Choose the SNMP version
  • Choose the SNMP community (public or read)
  • Choose the node type
  • Link it to a service pattern

Note that you can configure the nodes one by one via the menu corresponding to each of them. Or configure all the selected nodes at once via the 'Grouped actions' menu at the top of the window.

Then click on the “Add nodes” button at the bottom of the page.

You can nowAdd tests to your nodes.

In video

Adding nodes manually

Adding nodes manually

You can add a new node via :

  • The menu « nœud ». Click on « liste des nœuds » then on the icon Add a node.
  • The « administration >Click on > on the home page ⇒ Add a node.

The following window appears:

Fill in the following fields:
* Optional

  1. Give the node a name
  2. Choose the type of node
  3. Link it to a node group
  4. Specify IP
  5. Specify the linked Unity
  6. Give a description
  7. Specify SNMP community
  8. Click on “Add

You can then Add patterns or Add services.

Node administration

You can find all the settings for your nodes via the “administration” tab. Administration

Specifications by hardware

Access Point
For any Access Point
Availability of the access point (PING) GESA_ICMP
Interfaces Via the web interface (see Special features of switch, router and access point interfaces)
For any camera
Camera availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
For each Evision
Depending on the brand of firewall
Clavister default_gesa_snmp_clavister
Cyberoam default_gesa_snmp_cyberoam
Fortinet default_gesa_snmp_fortinet
Fortigate default_gesa_snmp_fortigate
Stormshield default_gesa_snmp_Stormshield
Watchguard default_gesa_snmp_watchguard
For all others
Add the plugin GESA_ICMP
And activate the interfaces Via the web interface (see Special features of the switch, router and access point interface)
For any printer
Printer availability GESA_ICMP
Patterns for the following brands
QNAP default_gesa_nas_qnap
Seagate default_gesa_nas_seagate
Synology default_gesa_nas_synology
Patterns for other NAS
Linux default_gesa_linux_server
Windows default_gesa_windows_server
For any PC
Printer availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
Enable WMI Enable WMI on Windows 7 & 8
Enabling WMI via GPO on Active Directory 2012
For any PDU
PDU availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
Brand-specific patterns
Raritan default_gesa_snmp_raritan
Available patterns
For a Linux server default_gesa_linux_server
For a Windows server default_gesa_windows_server
Virtual server
Available patterns
For a Linux NAS default_gesa_linux_server
For a Windows NAS default_gesa_windows_server
For any Switch
The interfaces Via the web interface (see Special features of switch, router and access point interfaces)
For any IP telephone
Phone availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
For any UPS
UPS availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
WiFi controller
For any wifi controller
WiFi controller availability (PING) GESA_ICMP
If there are interfaces
Interfaces Via the web interface (see Special features of switch, router and access point interfaces)

Modify a node

Go to the administration page and then « noeuds ». Click the « modifier » button of the node you wish to modify.

Delete a node

Go to the administration page, then « noeuds ». Click the « supprimer » button of the node you wish to delete.

Duplicating a node

You can also duplicate a node. All the parameters of the node are also duplicated (patterns, services, etc.). All you have to change is the IP address and the name.

Go to the « administration » then node. Click on the « dupliquer » button of the node you wish to duplicate.